Monday, November 10, 2008

New/Old Photos

some old and new photos posted on my flickr stream ..... just click the title of the post to check 'em out.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Congratulations America !

Obama on one of the big screens @Monkeytown

smilerwithaknife's choice

great Obama ad, originally uploaded by smilerwithaknife.

McCain's back in Sedona suckin' eggs right now ... lets HOPE we made the right choice ...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Film Log

I watched 6 feature films in the past 2 days:

1. 711 Ocean Drive, 1950 Joseph M. Newman, pretty cool film noir starring the always great Edmund O'Brien as a high tech telephone expert who gets sucked into a gambling syndicate and eventually rises to be the kingpin.

2. Monsieur Verdoux, 1947 Charles Chaplin, weird late Chaplin film. A black comedy about a married "bluebeard" who seduces wealthy women, kills them and then steals their money with the original story idea coming from Orson Welles

3. Jonestown: Life and Death of the People's Temple, 2006 Stanley Nelson, amazing but depressing and disturbing documentary about mass murderer Jim Jones

4. Night Moves, 1975 Arthur Penn, great 70's existential noir starring Gene Hackman, riyl The Long Goodbye

5. Monks: The Transatlantic Feedback, 2006 Lucia Palacios and Dietmar Post, (playing at Anthology Film Archives now! till 11/6), awesome documentary about the Monks, go see it

6. W.,  2008 Oliver Stone (saw a mouse in the Union Square theater, filed a complaint) kind of a boring, straight film, not the usual Stone bravado and experimental style, not sure what i think about this one yet ... fantastic performance by the always superb Josh Brolin though.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Barack The Vote is an Obama promo put together by my pals James Kendi and Jon Leone using music by Ratatat.